Spirit Art

What is Spirit Art or Mediumship Art?

Spirit Art is a form of spirit communication in which the spirit world wants to utilize both art and conventional forms of mediumship. I learned hwo to do spirit art in the summer of 2019 when I attended the International Spiritualist Federation, with friends. My instructors were Coral Ryder and Ulla Alvarsdotter.

What Happens During a Reading

A spirit art reading is very similar to a more conventional mediumship reading. The client, or sitter, sits near me at a table. If the reading is a teleophone reading, the sitter should still be sitting or be resting comfortably at their location. I have my drawing supplies ready, such as paper, charcoal pencils, colored pencils, markers and pastels or other supplies available on my drawing desk or workspace. I will then wait and get into a light trance. In this very light meditative state, I will either see lines on the paper, images of passed away loved ones, guides, animals, colors, and other symbols, and any forms therein. I begin to draw, while silently asking for more information during the session and while I continue the drawing. The messages do not become clear until mid-drawing or the end of the drawing. If the reading is over the phone, I will describe what I am drawing and the imagery I am receiving, but let them know that the imagery will change as reading continues.

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